The Title
The name of the society shall be hereinafter referred to as 'The Choir'.
The object of 'The Choir' will be to promote, improve, develop and maintain the appreciation of choral singing by the presentation of concerts and other activities related to choral music.
The Choir will engage in charitable activity by raising money for charity or supporting the local community.
Membership of The Choir will be open to anyone with relevant choral experience, regardless of race, age, gender or sexual orientation who supports the objects of The Choir, who completes a membership application form and who agrees to pay the membership fee at the appropriate rate.
Membership of The Choir will terminate in the event that his or her membership fee is three months in arrears.
Officers and Committee
The affairs of The Choir will be carried out by a committee, called hereafter 'The Committee'. The Committee will appoint a musical conductor and accompanist.
At each Annual General Meeting of The Choir, The Choir membership will elect the following officers:
All officers of The Choir can be reappointed for office in the following year, and thereafter if the membership of The Choir so desires.
Nominations for the Officers and for The Committee can only be made by choir members. All nominations must be seconded by another member of The Choir.
The quorum for The Committee will be three.
The Committee shall consist of the elected officers, with at least three other members elected from The Choir membership. Choir members will be elected on to the Committee on an annual basis. Existing members can stand for re-election in the following year.
The Committee will meet at agreed intervals, and not less than three times a year.
The Committee will control the affairs of The Choir on behalf of the members of The Choir.
The Committee will keep accurate accounts of the finances of The Choir, through the Treasurer - financial year ends 31st August. The accounts should be available for reasonable inspection by choir members and should be audited annually.
The Choir will maintain a current account, and the following Officers shall be authorised to sign cheques on behalf of The Choir:
Each cheque will require two signatories to authorise payments made on behalf on The Choir.
An annual report of The Choir's activities will be drawn up by The Committee and submitted to the membership at the AGM.
Payments to members are not permitted, save that of the fees to the conductor and accompanist who are not members.
The Choir is able to receive donations, grants in aid and any other such financial contributions from fundraising activities or other income generating activities undertaken by The Choir in the furtherance of its objects.
No portion of this income will be paid to members of The Choir, except in payment of legitimate expenses authorised and incurred on behalf of The Choir
General Meetings
One meeting a year will be designated an Annual General Meeting, and be open to all choir members, who will each have one vote on any matter raised at the meeting and which requires a vote.
The Annual General Meeting will take place once a year not later than 30 September in any one year.
The AGM will be chaired by the Chair of The Committee, or in their absence another officer of The Choir, or by another member of The Choir, as agreed by the membership at the time of the meeting.
Decisions made at the AGM will be by a simple majority of votes of those present at the meeting. In the event of equal votes, then the Chair shall have an additional casting vote.
A quorum for the AGM will be five.
The business of the Annual General Meeting will be to:
Confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting, and any General Meetings held since then.
Receive the accounts for the year from the Treasurer.
Receive the Annual Report from the Secretary, or other choir member.
Elect an auditor.
Elect the Officers of the choir, being the Chair, the Treasurer, and the Secretary.
Review subscription rates and agree them for the following year.
Transact any other such business, notice of which has been given to the Secretary at least five days before the meeting.
Special General Meetings may be convened by the committee or on receipt by the Secretary of a request in writing from not less than three members of the choir. At least ten days' notice of the meeting shall be given.
Changes to the constitution
Any proposed alterations to the Constitution may only be considered at an Annual General Meeting or other Special General Meeting convened for that purpose, and with ten days notice of such a meeting given to the membership of The Choir.
Any alteration or amendment must be proposed by a member of The Choir, and seconded by another member of The Choir. Such alterations shall be passed if supported by not less than 2/3rds of those present, assuming a quorum has been achieved.
8. Dissolution
If at any general meeting of The Choir, a resolution is passed for the dissolution of The Choir, the Secretary shall convene a Special General Meeting of The Choir to be held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.
If, at that Special General Meeting, the resolution is carried by at least 2/3rds of the membership of The Choir there present at the meeting, The Committee shall proceed to realise the assets of The Choir and discharge all debts and liabilities of The Choir. All remaining assets would then be transferred to a charitable institution having similar objects to those of The Choir.
This constitution was adopted in 2008 and witnessed by a selection of choir members.