Spring Term 2025
Wednesday 8th January to Wednesday 9th AprilHALF TERM WEDNESDAY 19th FEBRUARYCONCERT - WEDNESDAY 9th APRILCheck calendar for detailsCommittee BusinessPractice PagePractice Page - Chamber ChoirCheck here week by week for messages about subs, music payments etc (click down arrow to view)
SUBS ARE NOW DUE: Prompt payment of subs is appreciated. The termly subs is £55 for everyone EXCEPT for new members who only pay £30 to reflect the fact that there is a lot more music to buy at the start of the Vivace Voices musical journey. Please pay the treasurer, Hilary Goldson by BACS to S/C 60-17-21; A/C 8892 4270. If you are unable to pay by BACS then please pay by cash or cheque.
TEA MONEY: each term we each give £2.50 towards the cost of our tea, coffee and cake. Please remember to pop your money in the pot ASAP. Thanks you.
CHRISTMAS CONCERT CHARITY DONATIONS: We raised over £2800 for SSNAP! This is a phenomenal amount - thank-you to everyone for pulling out all the stops to support a tiny but mighty charity. As the committee members with the role of managing our choir's fund-raising efforts, Karen and I remain totally committed towards doing everything we can to ensure future concerts raise as much as possible for our chosen charities.
THIS TERM'S CHARITY: Thanks to Julie for nominating CLASP as this term's charity. This fabulous local charity helps adults with learning disabilities towards self-advocacy and also offers support with information, advice and signposting. They even run their own choir - check it out HERE! Rachel has made contact with the charity and will set up a Just Giving page and QR code to make it easy for friends, family and our many supporters to donate. As soon as she has the links, she will circulate them so that you can share them on your social media, on any emails you send and in any other creative ways you can think of!
CAKE DONATIONS: We all love to celebrate birthdays, high days and holidays with a slice of cake so, if you would like to bring a cake along to share on a specific date then please let Ann know.
SPRING CONCERT: The spring concert will take place at English Martyrs Roman Catholic church on April 9th at 2.30pm. Details will also be added to the choir calendar HERE and are updated if and when any changes happen so please do keep an eye on it.
USE YOUR CHOIR CALENDAR TO GET YOU PLACES: Every choir calendar event contains a direction link to whichever venue we are meeting at. This link can be clicked and used as a SatNav to get you to the venue by the quickest route from your location. If you want to know how to create a VV Calendar shortcut on your smart gadget home screen simply grab Rachel and ply her with cake - she can create your very own VV calendar app in less than a minute.
General Info
Ann Moore: Chairman
Hilary Goldson: Treasurer
Jane Howe: Membership Secretary
Hazel Archer: Minutes Secretary & Publicity
Sue Hennell: Venues Co-Ordinator
Rachel Fitz-Desorgher: Website
Carolyn Askar: Concert Organiser
Rachel Fitz-Desorgher & Karen Patten: Fundraising
Norma, our out-going chairman, received our thanks - see Gallery for pictures.
Follow the links to view the Constitution, Conditions and Privacy Statement
Dress code means black trousers or long black skirt, plain white long-sleeved blouse with collar, and blue scarf (on loan from choir).
On concert days we use a blue folder (on loan from choir). Members bring a contribution to the after-concert tea. All profits go direct to the chosen charity.
Subscription is £55 per term payable at beginning of term (subject to review).
Ian orders new music and members repay him on receipt.
Planned absence should be put in Ian’s book. For short notice absence contact your rep.
1st Soprano: Hazel Archer
2nd Soprano: Fiona Connolly
Alto: Sheena Tutton
If rep is not available please phone Ann.
The places where we sing